My last blog! Wow. The end of the year - that went by way too quick. But, no thanks, I don't want to repeat. :P
I'd like to say a quick and welcoming to the 7th Grade teachers reading any of this!
1. What piece of work and learning are you most proud? Explain.
The piece of work and learning I'm most proud of is probably the travel webpage I did just recently for Ancient Greece. Even though I was supposed to write a simple 15 day trip to Greece for educational groups - my partner and I didn't just get carried away - we made a whole site. He made a commercial, put up pictures of his own experience and I spent 5 hours thinking and making a simple itinerary. Honestly - it's the most time I've spent on work. Ever. Even weirder, this was a simple one. But it makes me proud that I put loads of effort and time in to this when it didn't even need half as much as the effort I put in. After a while, even my partner started nagging me about how detailed the schedule was.
2. What were your greatest challenges? Explain.
My greatest challenge for the whole year is making the effort. In fact, you can do a literature circle, answering with maybe a word or two. That would be easy, of course. But, no. Of course you'll get a bad grade - if you did a bad job, you'd see the bad grade coming. If you want to get a good grade - you make the effort. Like I said, it's the hardest part. You make a goal, dedicate your effort and you actually have to mean it. Bad grades? You don't mean anything, you basically just unconsciously write something not even worth seeing.
3. Reflecting on your growth this year, what did you learn about yourself as a learner?
I learned from my growths that I'm good at communicating effectively when I ignore everything but the subject we are discussing. Even if you are supposed to discuss a matter with someone you aren't particularly close to (maybe a colleague), just ignore it because it's part of your grade/education/work to communicate effectively about the subject. If I randomly just start talking about social matters - our communicating effectively? It's dead. Just STAY ON THE SUBJECT and it'll be a breeze, trust me.
4. To evaluate your work habits, choose 1 of the following from each category ( and provide explanations):
a) Behavior
Explanation: Well, haha, I have to say - I'm not the model student. I've slipped up plenty of times in class where I just become loud, noisy, a little weird, angry because of what happened yesterday and so on. Me, being me, I can hold grudges for a long time and those sometimes bust into class when someone is fooling around past the boundaries or sets me off.
b) Participation
Explanation: I can say that I participate when I finally get the nerves up to ask a question that everyone else knows the answer to but me. That's the main reason I don't raise my hand - it's pretty embarrassing when I'm the only one that doesn't know the answer or conclusion. I don't raise my hand when I don't know the answer and sometimes I just don't raise my hand to let other students answer. If people are raising their hands to answer questions, there's that thought that you might get it wrong and some people say: "That's SO easy." or "That was SUCH an EASY question." It's a little nerve wrecking but when I'm 100% sure, I go for it.
c) Organization
I'm super organized
d) Effort
5. Based upon your reflections, write two personal learning goals for Grade 7 next year.
Goal 1 - In Grade 7, I plan to raise my hand more often to ask questions that I don't know the answers to, no matter if everyone else does.
Goal 2 - In Grade 7, I plan to think more creatively and out of boundaries. Basically: THINK OUT OF THE BOX. Why? In school, I pretty much keep inside of the box. The only thing I really exceed the boundaries for is writing & reading.
6.Is there any more information about yourself that you would like the teachers to know?
If you see me bringing the same book to class for the whole year - Do Not Panic. I always keep losing the book, picking up another one, finding the lost book, trying to read it, losing my page, starting again, etc and repeat.
If I make exaggerated expressions, I'm in deep thinking (weirdly enough.) I like to choose my own groups but I keep making the bad move to wait until everyone is done choosing their own groups so I can go choose one last minute. But then someone I don't particularly want to work with asks me, therefore, guilt takes me often.
7. Finally, cast your minds back to the first few months of middle school (when you arrived in Grade 6 ) what "Words of Wisdom" or "Advice" could you pass on to the Class of 2018?
- Don't wait last minute for homework. You won't end up with as much of a high grade as you would've got if you started it early.
- Don't expect good grades, remember, it's a big transition.
- Expect more homework but not loads of it (you'll get that in High School.)
- Don't worry about the locks and locker at all. The locks are easy to use and soon, you can do it easily. You may forget at times but you can always go to the office, your band teacher or PE teacher for the combination again.
LAST, but no least - GOOD LUCK.
Sooner or later, you seem to learn these things by yourself as the year goes.
All my teachers in 6th Grade this year are spectacular, being fun but know how to get work done efficiently. Special thanks to Bronwen Narsiman (Humanities), Pamela Smith (Math & Science) and Darren Smith (Physical Education) - my core teachers. Thanks to my other teachers - Paz Molina (Visual Arts), Jane Thompson (Homegroup & Health), Leanne Fulcher (Drama), Marie-France Blais (French Basic) and James Housego (Beginner Band.)
You guys are awesome! Thanks for the great year! :)
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