This is my last official blogpost of 7th grade. Wow. It's weird how fast the year went, but it just happened too quickly. Hey, I did say I couldn't wait for summer again (apologies to all my teachers this year.) I only use honesty in these posts. Mostly. :P
Right, this post is about what it takes to be a good leader, and that being a good leaders means that you'll consider other peoples' opinions or wills before you go on in your choices. Currently studying the Medieval Unit (with a huge test around the corner, ouch), there will be references to the Medieval Ages - so stay or don't.
A king is a leader, basically the leader of his country. In the medieval times, kings used to be allowed to do anything they wanted. Seen, but not touched. Allowed, never hesitation. He could do whatever he wanted, whether it was good or bad. The king could even make laws against people, or laws for his own benefit - at the cost of his peoples' misery or against their will. That is definitely bad leadership - ignoring your peoples will. A real, good leader would be accepting others' opinions. A good leader, would not be running the country by how he wants it - he would run the country by others' wills too. That is exactly what the Magna Carta did, lessened the king's power and got a constitutional government running - so everyones opinions could be heard, and taken into account. A king leads a country. A country. It is the peoples country too though, and the people have a right to be heard and the leader should hear them out. Basically, a good leader would hear their peoples wills or opinions and consider them in their decisions for the country, a decision for everyone.
A short blog post for the end of the year? Impossible!
I will be making one more soon, just to thank all the teachers. It's not an official one, meaning a teacher didn't tell me to do it. Mr.Peters, let me write the post, it's a thank you to the teachers. x)
*Update: So that 'thank you' never came, yes I'm a bad person for not writing it up but I guess time just flew by. Alright, I'm making excuses - I'm sorry. There'll be big post at the end of this year though, so be prepared. :)