Alright, today - I post a summary for a chapter in the book 'Hercules' by Geraldine McCaughrean.
Apparently, she's quite the mythologist for a writer, especially Greek Mythology. This time, this post is kind of a challenge.
This summary has to be about 50 words or less. I decided to go with less. :P You'll never know if it's because I'm lazy or if I just have no idea what to write.
Honestly, it's probably a mix of both - another bad thing.
I'm a really bad role model right now. -.-
Anyways, sorry, I'm going to start on that summary! :)
Hera has always tried killing or ruining Hercules's life and never succeeds. Strangely, the ones that had succeeded, were Vice and Virtue, the two mysterious women in the forest. The two that when came into your sight, the birds stopped singing and haunting music had begun to play. Trying to recall the tune, he murders his unfortunate teacher Linus, accidentally but somehow - right after, he remembered the tune.
I have that itching feeling that's way more then 50 words. But it's good, right?
I've never met a person with such anger management issues but this Hercules has to be one of the many I know that don't exist.
So really, Herc....
You need a shrink.